CubeODE Installation Kit Manual
2024年1月26日SD Card Guide
1.Format your sd card to fat32 or exFAT format
2.Go to swiss github and download the latest version of the software, unzip it and copy the boot.iso file from the gcloder folder to the root directory of the sd card.
3.Put your favourite game files into the root directory of your SD card
CubeODE Installation Guide
Use “gamebit 4.5mm security screwdriver” to remove the four screws on the back of the NGC console
Use screwdriver to remove the two screws fixing the fan assembly (as shown by arrow 1/2 in the figure), and unplug the power cord connecting the fan assembly and the console (as indicated by arrow 3 in the figure). Then remove the entire fan assembly
Use screwdriver to remove all the screws at the positions indicated by the arrows in the following two pictures
Use screwdriver to remove all the screws on the back of the optical drive assembly. (as shown by the arrow in the figure below.) separate the metal case from the optical drive
Install the cubeode on the metal shell.Use the three screws shipped with the product to fix it on the back. (DOL-101 version consoles only need two screws.)
Finally, install all accessories (except the optical drive) back on the console is ok.